Well… it’s been one of those days… you know, when I feel like a walking train wreck. My hips hurt, my knees hurt… and of course the kids fight worse then usual because Mom can’t move well enough to play with them the way they want… *sigh* I hate using TV as a babysitter… but on days like today, when it’s way to hot outside, and mom can hardly move…. well… that rack of DVDs looks pretty good. Lucky for me, DH works nights. So on days like today, he plays with them and entertains them in the morning, then after lunch puts the younger two down to naps before he goes to work… then I’ve got a few hours between naptime and dinner… normally dinner and dessert end in bath and bed time… so it won’t be all that long until bedtime… and thanks to Atlantis… the last hour and a half has passed relativly fight free. Although the movie is winding down… and the fights are slowly ramping up. *sigh* Life is so fun when you are living with three very dramatic children. *S*
On the bright side… I did manage to do a LO today. *S* Aren’t you all proud of me?? *S* I even used one of my own kits! *S* Aren’t you doubly proud of me?? *S* Here’s my oldest, just Chillin’ in our pool. *S*

fonts – Mailart Rubberstamp, Angelina.
Journaling reads:
A— Loves playing in our small pool. He loves jumping in, making splashes, and just…. Chillin’