Pieces from the SOTB Designers “Passion for Scrapping” MegaKit:
Stitching & Brad by Christine Nash
Background by Tracy Marie Reed
Word Art by Dorothy Gibson
Scotch Tape made by me.
Journalling reads:
Only 51 days away from it’s second birthday, this PowerShot G5 met an untimely end. This G5 was adopted into the Yuriar family in June of 2004. It served it’s family well, and lived a full life.
The accident occurred April 27, 2006, at the 1500 Block of (Address goes here). It seems that the young female, identified as —– Yuriar, age3, was celebrating a big milestone, riding a two wheeled vehicle, also known as her Princess Bicycle, for the first time. Miss Yuriar requested the G5 be used to take pictures, and her mother happily obliged. The G5 did not complain when it was taken along on the walk.
During the course of Miss Yuriar’s first trip around the block on her bicycle, she lost control of her bike, forcing her mother to take drastic action. Mrs Yuriar attempt to prevent her daughter from falling off the sidewalk, but wound up falling off the sidewalk herself. Despite being strapped to his mother’s back at the time, 15 month old ——- Yuriar escaped the incident unharmed. —— Yuriar suffered minor scrapes and bruises as her bicycle fell over on the sidewalk. Mrs. Lorraine Yuriar suffered a rolled ankle, a brusied left shoulder, muscle strains to her shoulders and back, along with several minor scrapes and bruises.
A kind nieghbor, Mr —- —-, helped Miss Yuriar to stand up before assisting Mrs Yuriar out of the gutter. It was at this time that the damage to the G5 was noted.
The G5, the only fatality of the incident, suffered a major break in the plastic surrounding the lens. It also sustained minor damge to the body of the camera in the form of several scratches and a minor crack.
Furthur tests later determined the G5 had a problem with focusing, along with other issues in the apeture and macro settings. Sadly, it was deemed not worth fixing by the adult male, Mr. —- Yuriar. It’s fate was further sealed by the discovery that the G5 is now on the discontinued list at DPreview.com, and is no longer available through the Canon Website.
It is survived by three small children, 65 short films, and 6480 photos.
*** I should note that the kids and I have recovered fully, and my DD is back up and riding again like nothing ever happened! We’ve also already purchased replacement cameras, yup, two… I talked DH into upgrading his old 2MP sony cybershot as well. *S* The G5 will be replaced with the Canon A620 and the Canon S3 IS. Found them both onsale at amazon.com, and am eagerly awaiting delivery!
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