Yesterday, my poor baby,DS1, got into a fight with his sister’s nightlight and lost.

No.. not the light part…. it’s one of those Disney Princess tile things… the tile part pops off the light part to make changing the bulb easier, cuz afterall, those little nightlight bulbs don’t last long!
Ok…. so technically he wasn’t fighting with the nightlight… he was just minding his own business, happily pulling the tile part off the light part and tossing it around, when his 2yr old sister caught him. She did not like that he was touching her princess nightlight. She, being the 2 year old diva that she is, let him know that she didn’t like it. She shoved him. He caught his mouth on the corner of the resin tile, and OUCH!
Mom was blissfully unaware of the drama unfolding upstairs. Mom was downstairs doing some much need cleaning on her computer desk. Suddenly the screams erupted upstairs. So mom trudged up the stairs to don her referee shirt, break up the latest round of WWE, and send everyone off to their respective corners to play. Which worked pretty good until I went to help the baby back up… Something about seeing your baby’s tiny hands covered in blood just makes even the best momma snap.
There was just so much blood! It took a good five minutes to figure out that yes, indeed, the tooth was still attached. But I swore I could see the tooth exposed. At least the tooth he got wasn’t fully dropped yet…. but anyway, after letting my DD have it for pushing her brother, despite her attempt to make momma believe that her big brother, DS5 had done it, I went downstairs and began calling neighbors to find a good pediatric dentist.
Once I found a dentist, I was told by the technician who answered the phone, because of his age, please take him to the doctor first, to make sure he needs a dentist. Here’s the rub. Because of a conflict of opinions with a pediatrician locally, I had my kids’ care transferred to a location about an hour away. See, the local guy thought he could diagnose my DD without ever looking at her, and I disagreed. *S* Slight difference of opinion there…. but I just need a doc to say, yes he needs a dentist, cuz I’m still freakin’ over seeing my baby’s hands covered in blood. So after a call to the local clinic put me through to a complete moron behind the desk who insisted there never was such a thing as a walk-in clinic, I packed my boy in the car and drove down there and physically walked in. Explained the situation to the triage nurse, who booked us for 1:15 that afternoon with Pediatrician #2, whom I had never met. No walk-in clinic my rear end!
So we showup at 1 for our appointment. I had been warned by a neighbor mom that this doctor was asian, with a bit of an accent. I swear to you, he is the sweetest guy, but I keep expecting to hear him say, “Wax on, wax off” at any time! *S* He sounds so much like Pat Morita. He mentioned he was not quite sure why the dentist would look at him, because, “we awre not trwained in ta moutha.” He then told me, root damage, he can not tell. Is there anything the dentist can do? He does not know. The only thing he know for sure, is that my baby needed “ahntibiotik” (translation – antibiodics). He gave my boy some meds, and sent us home with the diagnoses, of.. well… go see the dentist if you think you need to….
I swear, I love hearing the guy talk. I’m such a lover of accents, as anyone who knows me will testify. Give me 5-10 minutes in a room with someone, and I will pick up their accent. Not on purpose… somehow my voice is influenced by those around me. If I so much as pick up the phone and hear my MIL or SIL on the other end, I immeadiatly sound like I grew up in the latin community of So. CA, not the citified hick suburban white girl that I am….. Anyway… I soo love this doctor…. I’m just not sure how much is because I want to be able to have my kids’ care locally again, or because I’m in love with the accent, or because I think he will be a great doctor. I think it’s a little of all three.
*BTW. While I was frantically calling neighbors looking for a dentist, my DH was upstairs, calmly, cooly, breaking thorugh the lie, and making our DD (which could possibly stand for Darling DIVA!) understand that what she did was wrong, and she had hurt her baby brother. She now understands that DS1 has to take medicine because she pushed him and hurt him. It may sound extreme… but trust me… it works! she hasn’t pushed him since! That’s right…. I’m not above using guilt on my 2 year old child to change her behavior! *S*