I swear Marla and Sarah, if not the same person, are best friends. I’ve heard often from my Mouth friends about the similiarites between Simple Abundance and FLYlady’s teaching. and here today, yet another has smacked in the face. FLYlady has taught me for years, dressed to shoes, hair, make up, the whole nine yards – right down to the lace-up shoes. No slip-ons allowed! FLYlady has said this because years ago when she worked for a company where she made calls from home, she wasn’t allowed to pick up the phone without being completely dressed. The company had taught her that your whole attitude changes when you are dressed to your shoes. Somehow, in your head, you are suddenly ready to go to work.
Simple Abundance today (January 4 reading) has told me much the same thing from a slightly different prespective. Sarah has pointed out that when we slack off on our appearance, or don’t use the good china, that kind of stuff… that we are like an out of work actress, holding back until it’s time to preform. Sarah encourages us to take the few minutes to fix our hair and makeup… If for nothing else, so we can feel different. Life isn’t a dress rehearsal, it’s the real thing, start acting like it.
Along this thread… I must admit, I don’t wear make-up other than the occasional special event. Heck, I didn’t even wear make-up on my wedding day! I’ve learned that just about any make-up will make my face break out. Forcing me to use lots more soap to try to clear up the break. The soap then dries out the skin, causing a rash to breakout, at which point, I feel so ugly, I pile on more make up to hide the breakout and rash, and wind up with more breakout… and you can see the vicious circle. While I’m not saying I’m drop dead gorgeous without the stuff, at least my skin is mostly clear! I do, however, do my best to get dressed everyday. sometimes it’s close to 6pm, ans sometimes, I have what I call a “Jammie day”… but for the most part, I am dressed and ready to go, at least shortly after my kids wake up. It really does make a difference in my day.