Gratitude 5!

Kelly of FLYlady fame has challanged us to write a gratitude journal this year… every night, 5 things we are grateful for. So here goes…
1. Coffeepots! *S* and I don’t even drink coffee! *S* DH got a little 4 cup thing about 2 yrs ago… used it for like 3 months, and then nothing. A couple of days ago it hit me… I could use it to make my hot chocolate! *S* I drink 2-4 cups a day, so it’s perfect! *S*
2. Chocolate chips. My kids have the most fun eating them, especially when they are drowning in cookie dough. Gotta admit, I’ve got a weakness for the little buggers too.
3. Email. Even though at tiems I get so much of it, that I can barely see straight… It means I’m part of a group (well, several groups really) that care about each other and are there to help each other… and even if I’m not actually using my voice, or talking face to face with any of these women… We meet every day in my inbox… ready to pour out joys, fears, and frustrations…. and always knowing that somewhere out in cyberspace, is someone who will say, “I know! I know! Same thing here!” or give you a geat big cyber {{{{{HUG}}}}}.
4. Classical music. Now, if you’ve ever known me, I’m not usually the classical type. A little pop, a lot of country…. but Classical?? I gotta admit… My art teacher was right… it does help to stimulate the creative side of my brain. *S* and even seems to have a calming effect on my kids. *S* anything that can calm these wild beasts has got to be good! *S*
5. Dishwashers. I lived three years in Italy without one. I am so happy to have one here. I absolutely detest handwashing dishes. When I grow up and have my very own house, I plan to get one like my parents, with a built in garbage disposal, so no more washing beforehand… in they go! crap and all! *S*
That’s it for tonight. stay tuned for tomorow! *S*

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes