and every so often we get a swift kick in the pants that reminds of of this fact. Take, today for instance. It’s my anniversary, so I’m just sitting here, watching a movie with my dh, when the phone rings. It’s my mom. I’m expecting a happy anniversary hunny! phone call from her. But the words that came next were a shock.
“B’s been in a car accident.” (B is my sister’s boyfriend)
“How bad?”
“Bad. Your sister was following behind in her car and saw the whole thing. The passenger side is gone. If she had been in the car with him, like usual, she’d be dead, we’d be going to a funeral. They had to pry the door off to get him out, they med-i-vac’d him to —- hospital. We’re headed there now, call you when we know more.” Click.
Wow. It’s moments like these that make you realize that life truly is that fragile. At the same time, God truly is that awesome! Just think, if my sister hadn’t had car trouble the day before, the two of them wouldn’t have felt it necessary to take her car to the shop today. And if they hadn’t needed to take both vehicles in order to convey her car to the shop, she would have been in this car.

Amazingly, and only by the grace of God, B is actually ok. Nothing broken, just a concussion. He will probably be home tomorrow. The Driver of the other vehicle actually walked away with only minor cuts on his legs. My sister is doing better (so my parents say) since she got to talk with her hunny. But I’m still a little shook up. I mean, life is fragile, and just that fast, it could be gone.
Add to this mood, I watched the season finale of extreme makeover home edition. the whole story of PFC Lori Piestewa, the first female fatality in Iraq. EMHED gave her parents and kids a new home. Part of that home was a room dedicated just to her. Add it all up, and it kinda makes me wonder… What will my kids remember about me when I’m gone?
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