Make your own Good days

“Make it a good day, or not. It’s up to you”.

That’s the quote a friend of mine recently sent in to our FLYing group. It really made me stop and think. How many times have I seen this happen – Mom is stressed or upset about something, and yells at someone. Dad picks up on mom’s bad attitude and wonders what the kids did to make her mad, so he starts yelling at the kids. Of course by now the kids are pretty pissed cuz everyone is yelling at them, so they start yelling at each other. Which of course makes mom more upset, which ticks off dad more… it’s a vicious cycle.

But if Mom chooses to have a good day, or to react better to the kids, Dad is happy, the kids are happy, although they will fight with each no matter what…

Here’s hoping for a good day!

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes