Video from the March 18th Public Hearing

At the beginning of the meeting, during Budget Director Ann Seward’s presentation, the citizenry was informed that unless the city found ways to cut spending, we would be facing a 2.5 cent increase in our property taxes. However, if the city chose to fully fund the school system, we would be facing a 23 cent raise in our property taxes, moving us from the lowest property tax rate in the Hampton Roads area to the second highest.

As far as I am aware, this is the only video of the event. The footage had to be split into two videos in order to get it on Youtube. The only other edit to this otherwise raw footage was the removal of the name and address of the minor child who addressed the Council.

Please note, the beginning is shaky, but it evens out once I was able to get the camera onto the tripod. Also, I missed the last 15-20 minutes, because my battery died. But I did manage to catch Vice Mayor Brown telling us all that he wishes he could pay the City Manager MORE money.




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