“Public meetings should be public.”

Those were the words of VA Pilot’s Cherise Newsome today on twitter.

“Turns out, I walked into the tail end of the authority’s 4 p.m. budget meeting that ran over into the regular session scheduled for 5 p.m. Oddly enough, I never got a notice of that meeting, and neither did many others in the press or public.”

not-so-public hearing signMs Newsome discovered that SHRA (Suffolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority) did NOT publicize their 4pm budget meeting. Leads to the question, how many other government boards, authorities, committees, and agencies in Suffolk are not properly publicizing their meetings? And really, just how many government boards, authorities, & agencies are there?

What she discovered from the information being discussed, was that SHRA has been using their reserves to partially fund Section 8 housing for 809 Suffolkians.

“The program costs $480,000 monthly and the authority receives $416,000 from HUD. The authority has dipped into its cash reserves to fund the shortfall but now only about $500,000 remains in reserve, McAdoo said.”

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