Boy… Take a few days off & all hell breaks loose.

Wow.  I don’t even know where to start.  I took a few days off because quite frankly, I was getting burnt out.  I was glad to see the House Republicans stand firm and vote NO on the “porkulus” bill, even though they lost due to the sheer number of Democrats in the House of Representatives.  But from the looks of things tonight, the multi-trillion dollar “stimulus” will pass the senate due to 2 or 3 RINOS.  Ugh.  Call your senators!  Even the democratic ones.  They are wavering.  I heard on CBS news tonight that the White House has dispatched Rahm Emmanuel to the Senate to “keep the Senate Democrats in line.”  I wonder if he’s carrying his steak knife as he wanders the halls of the Senate?

In one of the funnier moments this past week, Ms. Pelosi announced that America would lose 500 MILLION jobs a MONTH.  But… there are only about 300 Million people in America, so I think her math is just a little bit off.  (Source: Michelle Malkin – with video!)  Ms. Pelosi also seems to be at odds with both the White House and her own people in the House of Representatives. I’ll be she’s just having the Best. Week. Ever!!

Tom Daschle, Mr. “Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all”, had to withdrawn his name from nomination due to tax problems.  Funny.  So that makes 2, Geithner & Daschle.  Then!  Ms. Nancy Killefer dropped her name from the nomination for “Chief Performance Expert” because of… Tax problems!  (source)  The next day, it came to light that Rep. Linda Solis’s husband hadn’t paid the employee taxes on his business. (source)  That makes 4!  The icing on the Solis story is that she was also actively lobbying Congress, via a pro-union organization, on behalf of bills that she sponsored! (source)  Can we say “ethics violation”?

Apparently, Charlie Rangel got all caught up in the wave of people on the hill admitting tax fraud, because he stated on the house floor that he hadn’t been paying the taxes on his resort estate in the Caribbean. (source)  Seriously?  It’s no wonder these Democrats think nothing of raising our taxes, THEY ARE NOT PAYING THEIRS!!!  Ugh.  This just seriously pisses me off!  Why are these people being given a free pass?  Why are they not being hauled off to jail like any one of the rest of us would be??

One of the latest nominations that is causing a stir is that of David Ogden for Deputy Attorney General.  Here we have a man who used to represent Playboy, fought against pornographic filters in public libraries, and he believes in applying the doctrines of international law on the US, including enforcing UN Treaties which have NOT been ratified by our Congress.  (source, source, & source)

But it’s all good, because after all, DC is now running on Obama Time. Oh, puh-leaze.

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