We went to the Zoo. It was fun. The kids had a blast, and couldn’t help but compare the real zoo to their Zoo Tycoon 2 game that they all love so much. There were several times the Diva would comment, “Mom! They need to put in a girl camel so the Camel will be happy!” The Mandril (pictured above) was the favorite. And to prove the kids actually learned something, once we got home and checked out the photos, GeekBoy declared, “His butt is so colorful so his family can follow him through the jungle.” See… they do learn! And the best part… I didn’t tell him that! He read it off the sign in front of the monkey cage. Learning from everyday life. It can happen folks.
The Emu was pretty pissed about having his sleep disturbed.
Check those birds with the weird red things! “Uh, it says they are ‘Hornbills’ Dad!”
The GeekBoy even took some photos of his own. Lookie! Art class! Photography practice.
“Look mom! Elephant butt!”
No trip to the zoo is complete without a chance to feed the goats. Immediately after this photo, thePinkDiva completely lost her marbles because a goat’s tongue had dared to touch her hand. She insisted on washing her hands, right that second. The best we could do was a purell dispenser on a post at the end of the fence. *Note to self – next time we visit the zoo, bring wipes!
And of course, I just couldn’t post this without this most excellent shot of the day…
Monkey Butt!!! Ha ha ha!