I just have to brag on my kids, and maybe encourage some of you. Just a brief reminder, I’ve got 3, all on the spectrum. My 12 yr old has …
14 years ago today I had surgery because my body refused to give up the baby we had hoped and dreamed for, the baby that had died in utero two …
Autism, the CDC, and more.
So, I watched the House Oversight Committee hearing on Autism. My takeaway – CDC & NIH are in total denial on mercury/vaccines & the role they may play. They aren’t …
A Very Aspie Rudolf
My 11 yr old decide to re-write Rudolf. I like his version better. Rudolf the red nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose, And if you ever saw it, …
Happy 60th Dad.
We miss you.
Surviving the Holidays with Aspie/Autie kids
Today I’m a guest on the Children’s Express BlogTalk Radio show. Below is my notes for the show: ________________ I found this — http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/special-occasions-and-special-needs-kids/ — Good article, lots of good …
I get a gold star!
I did not react when the Grumpy Ol’ Fartknocker in the Food Lion Aisle was overly rude. Backstory: Today is errand day. I take my younger two (Diva, 8 yr …
God made Adam bit Noah arked Abraham split Joseph ruled Jacob fooled Bush talked Moses balked Pharaoh plagued People walked Sea divided Tablets guided Promise landed Saul freaked David peeked …