Photos taken on our first official day of the 2010-2011 school year here at Aprendemos Academy.
Stuff used:
- Who’s in School Class of 2010 by Penny Springmann AKA Penny’s Miscellany.
- Frames by Penny Springmann from the Sweet Shoppe Birthday Bash Kit.
- Stitches by Linda Gill Bildall from her Hand-Stitching.
- Atomic Cupcake Med Torn action to tear the paper.
- Date Bits from Misty Cato in the Write Stuff Date Pack.
I just love how this turned out. Also, I want to send up a great big thank you to Penny Springmann over at Sweet Shoppe Designs for including homeschooling friendly labels in her school themed kit, “Who’s in School Class of 2010”.