Yay! I’m scrapping again! A page here, a page there… nothing real consistent… but I think I’ve done more pages this year already then I scrapped all year last year. Go me!
Anyway, these are about my recent foot surgery.

bkg & Journal block – Eva Kipler – Being Fresh
doodles – Kate Hadfield – Doctor Doctor & Bruises and Breaks
Frames – Nancy Comelab
Alpha – Zoe Pearn – Color Your Own
Font – Angelina (modified the “F” too look more like a foot)
Journaling – June 25, 2010, I had my second foot surgery, this time on my left heel. After not eating all morning, I arrived at the surgery center waiting room, and what did they have playing on the TV? Food Network! Talk about torture! I was so glad when they called me back, I just wanted this done with so I could go home and eat! Dr. D. performed the surgery, & in abt an hour, it was done! Painful bone spur gone. Let the healing begin!

BKG & Journal block – Eva Kipler – Being Fresh
Crutches – Kate Hadfield – Bruises & Breaks
font – Angelina & CK Classic
Journaling – Hopefully this will be the last foot surgery I’ll ever need. Afterwards, I was on crutches for two weeks. In that time, Tony took care of everything around the house, plus working his day job. The kids were also a great help. They did whatever I asked, and never complained.. I am so blessed. As much as I dislike using crutches, one thing is for sure. You get a really great arm work-out on those things! My biceps are rawking!