When will they ever get the message?

Two key issues remain: Whether to block the auto companies from suing states over their greenhouse gas emission standards and how the bill can ensure taxpayers can get repaid for loans to Chrysler, a privately held company, in the event of a bankruptcy.

Congressional Democrats want to add language that they can reach up to Chrysler’s holding company, Cerberus Capital Management, if that happens, but the White House is “pushing back” according to one Democratic aide.

The talks did resolve two sticking points, however.

One dealt with a provision that any expenditure of more than $25 million by the three automakers would have to have to get prior government approval. That limit has been raised to $100 million to satisfy some Republicans who considered the requirement too burdensome.

Auto bailout bill not yet a done deal – Dec. 9, 2008.

Did you catch that? Republicans thought the spending limit was “too budensome” for the automakers.


This is why. This kind of crap is why I am becoming more and more convinced everyday that the only way to send a message to the idiots who run the Republican party is to disenroll.

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