On November 9, our county executive Angela Alsobrooks created a task force, via executive order 24-2021, to look into once again reforming the School Board. The official stated mission is to study and review the duties, responsibilities, powers, and composition of the Prince George’s County Board of Education. However, Ms. Alsobrooks made it clear in statements to the press that she is looking to change the structure of the board entirely.
“Over the last several decades, our board of education has continued to switch between an all-elected board, an all-appointed board and the current hybrid model, along with increasing in size, without achieving the intended outcome of having a board that functions collectively with the best interests of students, teachers and our entire school system at the forefront of all they do. The purpose of this task force is to study best practices regionally and nationally and deliver recommendations to county leadership that will guide us in creating a board structure that facilitates collaboration and helps us continue to move our school system forward.”

The taskforce is composed of 15 people, and 4 county officials. Of the fifteen individuals, 4 are current or former teacher or administrative union representatives, 3 are former government officials, 4 are current or former parents of kids in the system, 1 is an environmental activist, and 1 is a social justice professor at BSU.
The taskforce meetings will be streamed to the county’s youtube channel, the first meeting is already there. According to press reports, there will be an open hearing for members of the public to share their concerns and ideas on December 8, 2021. More information about the board can be found on the County Executive’s website at: https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/4135/Board-of-Education-Task-Force