Anastasio Yuriar Viera (Clemente)
Born: Abt May 1873
Christened: 19 May 1873 in San Ignacio De Loyola, San Ignacio, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Died: Nov 8, 1944
The son of Clemente Yuriar & Trinidad Viera, he was a hat maker in Culiacán. His store was called “El Sombrero Rojo”. His nickname, Tacho, likely comes from his occupation. “Tacho” refers to a bin, perhaps like one that could be used in the felt-making process. Fun fact: Mercury was used in the felt-making process to smooth the felt.
In early January 1910, Anastacio was introduced to Francisco Madero. Senor Madero must have made quite an impression, because Tacho helped to form the Culiacán branch of Madero’s political party, the Partido Nacional Antireelectionistas. While his brother Benjamin was fighting with Villa to free Mexico from the grip of Porfirio Díaz, Anastasio choose to fight Porfirio Díaz in the political arena.

He had 2 children with Librada Canavallis – Ricardo, and Maria Matlide. Librada and Anastasio had a falling out. She took the kids and left, eventually immigrating to the US. Maria Matilde died during the journey to America. Ricardo’s son Jon lives in CA.
Anastasio also had several children with Joaquina Manjerrez. He married her in March of 1919. According to their marriage license, they already had 3 daughters when they got married – Maria Lousia, Maria Elisa, & Maria Rosa. After they married, they had several more children – Anastasio, Maria Carmen, Maria Aurora, and Julio.
Family folklore has always said that he served as Mayor of Culiacán for a while. However, according to the city’s website, he was never mayor. A pamphlet about the history of Culiacán states that in December 1917 he lost an election for a council seat due to election fraud. The state congress appointed a someone else to disputed seat, however it’s possible that he won election as a councilman later in life. We do know that he was a delegate for something to do with farmers and agriculture in 1944 when he was shot & killed by someone named Lencho. Lencho was caught and imprisoned for his crime.
“En una de tantas asambleas hizo acto de presencia don Lencho. Como buen manejador de armas dio muerte a balazos al joven delegado de la Agraria, que en vida llevó el nombre de Anastacio Yuriar (era culichi). Cuando el malechor llegó a la asamblea la mayoría de los asistentes escucharon voz de súplica: “¡No lo hagas, Lencho!”. Sobró quien dijera que fue doña Serafina. El malechor fue castigado; su condena fue prisión.” (quote from an article at debate.com.mx that has since been memory-holed.)
Baby Mama: Librada Canavallis
- Ricardo Yuriar: 1900-1979
- Maria Matilde Yuriar Canavallis: 24 May 1903-1905 — Maria died while traveling with her mother to the United States.
Spouse: Joaquina Manjerrez
- Maria Luisa: 21 Jul 1913 – 4 Mar 1987
- Maria Elisa: 1915
- Maria Rosa: 4 Sept 1918 – 7 May 1996
- Maria Carmen: ? maybe 1920
- Anastacio: ? maybe 1921
- Maria Aurora: 1922
- Jose Julian: Sometime between 1922 and 1926
- Jose Clemente: Abt 1926 – Abt 1929 ??