Anyone not a Native American is descended from an immigrant! This would be a great time to check out genealogical resources online.
Ancestry.com is an amazing resource which offers a trial membership, but will require payment eventually if you happen to get hooked – and you just might get hooked. Another good resource is FamilySearch.org – which is free, but the records are not always linked to the right people, or else there are duplicates of the same person. It can be confusing, but you get what you pay for. Geni is another free resource, but it depends on crowd-sourcing, which is not always accurate. There are tons of other resources out there, just Google it.
In our family, Dad’s side comes from Mexico. Mom’s side is more divided. On my father’s side of the family, both sides came from Germany well after WW1, but before the start of WW2. My mother’s side of the family is half Irish, with ancestors coming over likely during the Great Potato Famine. The other half of Gramma’s family came from the Netherlands back in the 1600’s, settling in New Netherlands as merchants.
Try making your own family tree. And just for fun, check out this vintage Claymation TV Special from 1986, My Friend Liberty: