So week 2 came and went. Way too fast I’m thinking, especially since here it is, Monday morning of week 3, and I’m just now remember to post about last week! So much went down… Lets see…

Last weekend (Aug 21-22) I spent making a DIY loom for us to use with BigBoy & PinkDiva’s history lesson. It turned out awesome!
The loom itself is made from a Cross Stitch Frame, the kind you can use to turn your fabric into a scroll. The frame was too short to make an effective loom though, so we cut the bars in half and attached them to small pieces of scrap wood. The rigid-ish, and I say “ish” because there is a lot of flex & bend, heddle is made of two pieces of plastic canvas, cut and stitched together. The shuttle in the picture is made of cardboard, but DH has since made a nicer one out of thin wood for us to use.

BigBoy was thrilled to give weaving a try. ThePinkDiva had tried weaving in a class at the Cultural Arts Center last year, and fell in love with the art form. BigBoy is still a bit young, and doesn’t quite get the hang of it… but PinkDiva loves to weave. This time we’re making a small green blanket. But now that we have a loom, I see plenty of doll blankets in our future. Pinkdiva is even talking about stitching a few pieces together to make a bigger blanket. Should be fun.
Thursday, thePinkDiva began vision therapy. I don’t think I’ve ever explained that one anywhere online, so it really needs it’s own blog post. Soon. I hope.

Friday was spent at the Podiatrist’s office. Because I messed up my foot. Everyone got their Math tests done, and that was it. I was too worn out/in pain to do much else.
Then, on Saturday, Soccer Season officially kicked off. One night a week for practice, and then games on Saturday. Should be fun. BigBoy is thrilled because this is the first year he’s actually part of a team, instead of the “Tots”. Geekboy discovered at least 3 friends from last year’s team on his new team. So even though he is the shortest guy on the team, and playing in the 10-12 division (he’s only 9, but they didn’t have enough 8-9 boys to make a team in that division), he’s looking forward to a great season.